23 definitions by cass

Someone who is a nice little good friend or person.
Also , a made up name for Chris carraba of dashboard confessional.
You're a good doobley!
Chris Doobley played REM covers the other day.
by cass March 26, 2004
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Fourty days before Easter and the beginning of Lent when all the Catholics walk around with smudges on their foreheads and begin a fast from some vice or food or luxury and go around complaining to their friends about how great a sacrifice they are making when they are asked about the black smudge on their forehead.

It is supposed to be for the purpose of remembering Christ's sacrifice on the cross. So that everytime you crave the thing you are giving up you will remember the crucifixion and be thankfull or do something good for people.
Dude1:Dude, you have something on your forehead.

Catholic Dude:It's ashes, Man, it's ash wednesday. Dude, i gave up sex for lent.

Dude1: Man, you haven't gotten laid in months anyway, Dude.
by cass March 10, 2004
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Medication taken in the butt, explaining the reason the word is pronounced "in-you-end-o".

For further examples, contact Harp as seen on MTVs "Yo Momma".

Common occurance is in the joke used by Harp:

"Yo momma is so dumb, she thought innuendo was an Italian suppository."
by cass July 29, 2006
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to chop a broad like to pick her up,meaning get her number name email
yo i chopped that broad last night
omg!! i chopped this solid guy last night
by cass February 22, 2004
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Name of a sharp edged rock n' roll band from Edinburgh, Scotland
Stocious play some hard riffing songs, especially that 'Little Black Shorts'
by cass February 3, 2005
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"Mofo I ordered a kebab pizza and all I got was tomato bread and dog meat!"

"Ah, you should have gone to Franco's, ma young apprentice."
by cass February 3, 2005
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Yales' ridiculously overconfident douche of a cousin. School where you can work unbelieveably hard to get accepted, actually get accepted, then realize during the first semester you should've gone to Yale. Quite frankly, even Brown (shudder) would've been a better choice. In recent years people have realized hiring people simply because they went to Harvard is useless, as normally they have to pay to bring in a Yalie to do the job afterwards. Then they have to bring the Brown man (who is now a plumber) to show the Harvard man how to take a shit. In short, a school that (despite constantly being on top of superficial lists written by people who either went to or fear Harvard) is inferior both academically and athletically to Yale. Go BULLDOGS.
Tom: Sarah graduated from Yale last weekend.
Steve: Oh really, thats great!
Tom: Not really. She realized she is actually dumber now than she was 4 years ago when she started, so now shes going to try her hand at Yale, if she can get in.

A student fan from each Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Brown are standing on a cliff together during football season. The Princeton man runs forward and yells, "This is for the Tigers!". Not to be outdone, the Brown man runs forward and yells "This is for the Bears!". Aghast at what just happened, the Yale and Harvard men look at each other in shock. The Yale man shrugs, as if to say "hey why not". The Harvard man scoffs and looks at the Yale man like hes an idiot. Then the Yale man proceeds to push the Harvard man off the cliff proclaiming "This is for all mankind".
by cass October 30, 2006
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