124 definitions by brett

people who participate in a variety of activities including, a. jumping with the left foot forward,
b. ganking,
d.mortar and pestling,
f.pwning with swords
Generally identifiable by the obvious awesomeness.
That matzab was friggin pwning shit like it was his birthday.
by brett February 12, 2004
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a. Worthy of being depended on; trustworthy
b. having the name Brett
Brett is a very dependable counsellor; definately director material - he definately deserves a 1 on his evaluation
by brett August 5, 2004
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1) some one who is a total dink (dork or geek)

2) An insult that has no comeback for it
1) "hey guys guess what i learned today"
"go fuk off DINKFARMER!!!!"

by brett January 15, 2004
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Breast, boob, tit, etc....
"Check out those gigantic lactic caps," said Kevin.
by brett August 26, 2003
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A small fello resembling a leprecon usually found hiding spread asses. Often seen appearing in old school japanese martial arts pornos.
"Yo i watchin part 14552258 of the clit ninja when a noticed a happy green assmonger jumping out of my anus."
by brett May 3, 2003
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the events that take place at Thomas Hanes' house, once a small gathering of friends is now known to many, activities include all-night gaming, table-top role-playingness, reality melee battles
"We were basically the only group of people who could have fun without the use of a keg or a bowl" - Cole
Whats going on this friday, oh thats right we are having Tomicon.
by brett October 24, 2004
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When a group of males (more than 3) get together and wrap their penises around in such a way that it makes a chain of penises, or a 'dinklink'. Dinkalink is what we call the group that is doing the dinklinking.
My penis sure hurts after that dinkalink at the Boy George show.
by brett December 6, 2004
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