124 definitions by Brett
by Brett February 25, 2005
It's the ultimate game of testing your ego. It becomes a competition of seeing who has the most friends, so you add everyone you've made eye contact with in the past 6 years, constantly posting bulletins telling people to comment on your NEW PICZ PLZ or die. Also a way for every garage band ever to make a Myspace Music profile without even have talent and/or experience as other bands have. Also a new place for every hott girl in the world to prove how slutty they are by making a Myspace and putting pictures of themselve's where they only have 1/5 of their clothes on with the quote under it "I used photoshop to cover my boobs, So What."
by Brett January 13, 2005
A short term for Rockinhalifax.com the gayest online fourm ever, mostly complied of stupid PC, Vegan, Emo, Hardcore, Faggets. where they make stupid pointless topics, the only cool people ever to grace RIH were waynebeatdown, locustreign, slip45, and of course brett who was banned because douche bags dont like cool people
by Brett March 29, 2005
A term that implies one should give oral sex to the speaker, the common name for the male genitalia, penis, is substituted with Foster in order to show endearment to a friend.
by Brett January 7, 2004
by Brett February 13, 2004
by Brett February 11, 2004
Fucking crazzy ass kid who dominate in the game of curve ball tying the score of David Ashenfelter. That fucker! fucked up the last kid who tried to beat his score.
by Brett January 19, 2005