55 definitions by bigmeuprudeboy

fake irish, plastic paddy
good way of describing Irish Americans
never been there, never will go there
by bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003
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fat little shit who labours under the mis-aprehenshion that he is hard.
his dad is a total geezer though
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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An amusing victorian phrase for the
the police, the Old bill, the bizzies etc.
'quick bunny old chap let us abscond, the Scuffers will arrive forth-with'
by bigmeuprudeboy September 18, 2003
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the car of choice for gangsta rappers such as Jay z and P-diddy
made in the most un-gangsta rap place on earth-Newport Pagnell
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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a type of blue elf that inhabited the Ardennes forest in Belgium until the early 90's.
Smurfs lived in extended family groups and all had different character traits like the seven dwarfs.
They released several hit records in the 70's and 80's and starred in their own childrens tv show
However with the advent of the EU smurfs were labelled a threat to crops and wildlife and were designated a class 3 pest by the EU agriculture comitee who had them all squashed with grassrollers in 1992.
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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