55 definitions by bigmeuprudeboy

a newspaper that, along with the Sun, sums up all that is wrong with the UK today
mainly read by lower middle class snobs who beleive every word printed in this piece of poisonous filth and therefore form their opinion of the world from it
the mail-wouldnt wipe me arse with it
by bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003
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a sport mainly played in the U.K by private school girls
funnily enough considered very macho in the US
by bigmeuprudeboy September 9, 2003
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probably the toughest sport on earth and one of the oldest.
Forget all you yanks going on about 'football' and lacrosse being SO hard. This is the daddy of them all. Played mostly in Eire where it originates but also played quite a bit in the UK.
There is a Scots version called Shinty that is just as fast
by bigmeuprudeboy October 28, 2003
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to mercilessly take the pissout of someone for a long length of time
Wheeler came into the pub wearing chinos the other saturday. He got absolutely coated by Griff and went home nearly in tears
by bigmeuprudeboy December 2, 2003
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Muppet- like Floor Manager and studio runner on Avid Merrion's 'Bo Selecta'who allegedly has an ear where his cock should be
Merrion accused him of brown nosing him to which Cocknose replied in his Gonzo like voice
'If I was brown nosing you Mr Merrion my cock would be up your arse'
"We're ready for you now Mr Merrion....
Ok cocknose"
by bigmeuprudeboy July 14, 2004
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Naples, the Liverpool (and therefore armpit) of Italy
by bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003
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