61 definitions by anon.

To Skeem is to smoke marijauana habitually
Nick is a fucking skeemer
Wanna go skeemin'?
by anon. July 18, 2003
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The art of turning a manga of one language into one of a different language. Includes translation of the story and editing of the actual artwork. Scanslations are done by fans for the whole fan community.
Scanslation groups are part of a large online manga fanbase.
by anon. February 28, 2004
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Character in the manga series, Paradise Kiss.
Arashi is a punk rocker.
by anon. July 14, 2004
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A beautiful little girl who was murdered on Christmas Day, 1996. The investigation was somewhat destroyed by tainted evidence, false allegations, and the insane media. It is still unknown who abused and murdered this innocent child.
The murder of Jonbenet Ramsey is just one of the many cases of child abuse which are never solved in this nation.
by anon. April 22, 2005
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How could such a MILF give birth to that asswipe. MILF, MILF, MILF!
by anon. January 3, 2004
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1) adj. many, several
2) adv. extremely

formerly exclusive to b-town (circa 1980). now common throughout northern california, but considered peculiar elsewhere.
1) damn, there hella fools up in here!

2) ooh, that salsa hella hot!
by anon. January 18, 2004
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