by Teh Pope March 20, 2005
by J dub October 6, 2003
by Travis January 12, 2005
(v.) To be forcibly excluded from internet chat.
by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004
To describe a girl that is trashy, that has a face that looks as though it had been through a kicking
by Floresent freak September 6, 2003
Damn, that girls teeth are kicked. OR Dude, Im so kicked, I just lost my job at MacDonalds and my Camaro needs new wheels.
by BobbyWong August 25, 2007
Pronounced "kick-ed"; coined in the series "Cry Yourself to Sleep", a video on the popular website YouTube. Used as a single verb with an accent on the "-ed" and usually no direct object
by ‡ Lazarus Inmedius ‡ June 19, 2008