61 definitions by William Dean A. Garner

A beautiful, sexy, skimpy top worn by a female bartender to generate more tips.
The right tiptop, in just the right color, worn on the right bartender is a guaranteed money magnet.
by William Dean A. Garner March 20, 2011
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1. A "heavy"
2. Bodyguard
3. Hitman
Juice walks into Club234 with two "weights" who clear a path 10 meters wide for their five-foot, two-inch boss.
by William Dean A. Garner September 10, 2003
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Lousy actor who makes a boatload of cash
That Hollywood actor's a disastar but he makes us a lotta coin!
by William Dean A. Garner November 4, 2009
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a new movement in the genre of impressionistic painting, in which colors and textures are blended together harmoniously to create various moods in the mind of the beholder.

Coined by William Dean A. Garner

Please see http://tranquilimpressionism.com
Tranquil impressionism paintings can be viewed here: http://tranquilimpressionism.com
by William Dean A. Garner March 28, 2009
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Tuna burrito. Any GREAT sandwich or burger.
Alex makes THE best turritos.
by William Dean A. Garner November 7, 2011
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1. Copasetic
2. Cool
3. Fuckin-A
4. Exciting
5. Titillating
6. Orgasmic
My last manuscript went to this 20-something junior editor in pigtails and a parochial-school skirt. It "blew her skirt up" around her face, revealing revealing a silver thong that wasn't so parochial. . . .
by William Dean A. Garner September 10, 2003
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To break, hack or "crack" a stupid-assed, expensive-beyond-belief, software program with a CD-ROM key code.
Carl sent me a "cracked" copy of Adobe Photoshop. Saved me $400!
by William Dean A. Garner September 9, 2003
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