9 definitions by Thomas Leone

A Pornographic Sitcom. Ideally filmed in front of a live studio audience which creates a better atmosphere than with canned laughter.
-What's this then?
-You don't have to hide the fact you're watching porn, I'm not your girlfriend
-I wasn't watching porn.
-Oh no, that's right, you're typing up a spreadsheet?
-I was watching a porncom actually. It's a cross between porn and a sitcom.
by Thomas Leone October 13, 2009
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Potentially of British Origin (possibly Northern-English).
Meaning heavily drunk.
Less common but the same as pissed.
Let's go out and get well-oiled.
Haha look, Jack's having a piss on the fruity. Is he well-oiled or what?
I've had a rough day at work, I'ma have to get oiled up.
by Thomas Leone October 13, 2009
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To start acting aggressive and edgy.
Characterised by tough, thuggish behaviour.
That bitch is getting all up in my face, I'ma have to get my beast on, and put her in her place.

Hey, that guy's been talking about you. You should get your beast on and show him what for.
by Thomas Leone October 12, 2009
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The most extreme form of mental.
- When you're able to clearly identify someone who is mental through the natural look on their face, despite them acting in an otherwise rational and sane manner.
- Ideal as an insult; typically a step up from mental or mental in the head, but can also be used as a description of how someone looks. For example; if they genuinely look as though they are about to massacre an orphanage.
- Look, if he's such a good friend, then why can't you just be honest with him?
- Honest? Are you mental in the face? Imagine how that would look.

Thomas Leone is mental in the face. But if you ever say this to his mental face, he will roundhouse you in the prick.
by Thomas Leone October 21, 2009
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Pronounced: "el-ī-eks", as each letter is said separately but in quick succession.

"Loving It to the Extreme/ly" or "Loving It Extreme/ly"

Believed to have orginated in North-Eastern England in the early 21st Century. Not widely known or used.

Acceptably used as text talk or internet blogging.
What'd you think of the band we saw last night? - LIX, they were great, I loved 'em.
Check out this funny video, you're gonna LIX.
by Thomas Leone October 7, 2009
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The use of codes is common in hospitals, so as not to alarm other patients. The expression 'cold-tea syndrome' is used by medical staff to indicate that a patient has died. It refers to several cups of undrunk, cold tea on the deceased persons bedside table.

It's good to know the supply of tea doesn't stop coming, just because you're dead. Not to discredit the NHS, but surely there are more scientific methods to determine when someone has died. How much of NHS resources are wasted making tea for the dead. What happens if you just don't drink tea and they throw you out. You'd have people buried yelling:
- Janine, go to ward 3 now, Mrs Norris has caught a bad case of cold-tea syndrome. I would go so far as to say she's never going to recover from it.
by Thomas Leone October 18, 2009
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Term invented by Winston Churchill to describe communist countries in which there is an exceptional amount of queuing.

Churchill Fact: Churchill was renowned for not washing his hands after using the toilet. It's reported, he was once reprimanded by an older Etonian for not washing his hands after visiting the lavatory and was told.
"At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the lavatory", to which Churchill replied.
"At Harrow, they taught us not to piss on our hands".
Bert - You know I do love a good queue.
Terry - You should visist Russia. You'd love it, it's like a virtual queuetopia.
by Thomas Leone October 18, 2009
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