7 definitions by Superdave

1.) See Spanish word "Mamon".

2.) Idiot, asshole, moron, fucker.

3.) To fuck around. Act stupid.
That guy is such a mamer.

Charlie is maming again.
by Superdave March 13, 2003
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That dude over there by the tattooed chic is one ugly hogsquasher.
by Superdave March 6, 2006
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Scarberian speak for: having sex. (Scaberia = the home of John Candy, The Barenaked Ladies, Jim Carrey and Mike Myers.)
(spoken like Otto in the Simpsons) - Yeah, like the party was awesome eh ! Every room had people gnawing and boning all over the place ...
by Superdave January 16, 2008
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The most basic is more accurate: Dog Boner.

Looks like that mutt likes you. He's throwin' some serious "Dogwood"! I bet a cat couldn't scratch that pinky down.
by Superdave April 3, 2006
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A man who dangles his penis in front of a woman in lieu of foreplay, romance or wooing hoping to entice her to have sex with him.
"I wanted my boyfriend to romance me a little, but instead he decided to be a danglefiend."
by Superdave December 12, 2014
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That annoying red line that appears on your forehead when you wear a baseball cap backwards
Damn... that sucka got a fat head... his hatline's almost bleeding it's so red.
by Superdave December 26, 2002
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Cunnilingus the acy of eating pie with both participants on the floor.
What Homer Simpson actually meant; an example of the latemt adult humour imbedded in the Simpsons.
by Superdave May 19, 2005
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