15 definitions by Sajak

The number of lights that there are, as opposed to five lights. From Star Trek: The Next Generation and also a well-known meme.
"How many lights are there?"

"There... are... four lights!"
by Sajak July 26, 2017
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A victor from District 7 in the Hunger Games, and also the toughest character in the entire series. Johanna suffers the loss of her entire family, then is tortured with electricity for a long period of time, but still ends up as strong as ever. She could kick Katniss's butt anyday.
Johanna Mason killed her opponents with an ax in the Hunger Games.
by Sajak October 10, 2012
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To be completely obsessed with one's self; to be narcissistic; to see one's self as better than one actually is.
The pastor was completely Furtigetical as he thought he was the most important person in the world.
by Sajak February 25, 2014
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Very poor putting, when you can't make a putt from beyond 5 feet. Named after Ernie Els, for his SAP hat, and his poor putting.
Tom Watson's sappy putting cost him the 2009 Open Championship.
by Sajak August 10, 2012
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A nickname for pro golfer Ernie Els.
The Big Easy won the golf tournament this weekend.
by Sajak June 24, 2013
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When a player dives on the ground after a basketball
The player got a Plum Ordinance for diving after the basketball.
by Sajak April 21, 2013
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Hitting a cowbell a million times as loud as possible. From the Saturday Night Live sketch about Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper."
The Mississippi State fans were all Fearing the Reaper after the Bulldogs scored their third touchdown.
by Sajak March 8, 2022
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