454 definitions by Paul

the piece of bum fluff that hangs off a poofters ass crack
grant . . . why is that fagwad on the head's dinner plate ?
by Paul April 21, 2004
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1. EMT's are a vital part of the EMS structure.
by Paul January 25, 2006
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to get help on planetmars.co.za a large south african IT portal for PC newbies.
I got no idea why your pc is smokin' man, just planetmars it
by Paul August 3, 2004
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A Ruski who thinks he's black who shops at Gen-X and gets made fun of, that tries to use people for their stuff, and you only see him when he needs to get high, who's nick name is, ironically Gravel Samsonofrof. By the way has a 5:00 pm curfew at the age of 17.
Look at that russain!! He thinks he's a rigger!!
by Paul November 16, 2004
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The effect caused by a violent fart whilst having a liquid shit
WOWWWWWWWWWWWW look at that peebledash
by Paul January 12, 2004
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1. Something cool 2. A derogatory term for a wigger.
Man thats the McFizzle. -Cool

Man, that guy sure is a McFizzle.
by Paul May 26, 2004
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A branching race of sperm that has evolved due to the co-existance of man and Salazars.
Salazar put a plaga in Leon and now his organs are going to explode.
by Paul March 23, 2005
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