22 definitions by Mr H20

An alternative word used to describe a mutual agreement of knowledge.

It replaces the archaic version "understanding", which reflects a negative connotation.

To be "under" someone, is to be less than equal.

To be "even" with someone, is to be equal.

And so with this in mind, when we make an attempt to have someone else "understand" what we are trying to say (such as this explanation) one may instead prefer the use of positive language to encourage the another to "evenstand".

The archaic word "understanding" may be used when one is not yet "evenstanding" with the other in terms of knowledge, information, or I.Q.

The 'old term' may be used as follows: "I am currently in a position of understanding about the information you have provided", which denotes the fact that someone may not understand in the 'old term'.

To turn this around by using positive language, one might instead say, "I would like to evenstand with you, however right now, I do not. Are you able to elaborate?"
"I am evenstanding on the topic of interest that you have presented."

"I am able to evenstand with you on that point."

"Evenstanding with the study group will be my primary focus."

"It is hard to evenstand with parliamentary administrators when legislative changes are made behind impenetrable walls."

"Do you evenstand with what I am saying?"

"They were both evenstood on the topic."
by Mr H20 July 1, 2022
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Specifically. It is the study and observation of all things anatomy, in any or all species.
"He caressed her body slowly, as if he had been studying the art of anatomology his entire life."

"Whilst studying frog anatomology, I discovered a curious thing, it's skin performs the same function as our lungs to help it breathe. Therefore stagnant waters with no oxygen, such as dams, may suffocate these amphibians."

"The anatomology of Adam and Eve would have surely resembled Barney Rubble, for humans have evolved even in the last hundred years by becoming taller and less hairy."

"Anatomologiclly speaking, we are unable to define the exact colour of a mummies skin, eyes, or hair, and this is due to the fact that evolution in itself, often changes patterns whilst maintaining the same genetic branding."
by Mr H20 August 30, 2022
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"heyhi" (hey-hi) is the more suitable word to describe a halo (hey-low).

A ring of light atop those who are seen as enlightened beings, should indicate that that the light is up high, rather than down low.

The sound "high" in heyhi is much more appropriate.

The sound "low" in halo, refers more to the ground rather than above the persons head.

Using heyhi generates a positive and bubbly point of discussion when referring to one's ability to be saintly.

It can also be used as a greeting, "heyhi you going?"
1) Yo man, your heyhi is looking bright af today!

2) I wanted to go to the dress up party wearing angel wings and a glow-in-the-dark heyhi.

3) Your nanna was a beautiful lady. At her funeral I could almost see her watching over you with her heyhi on.

4) for Beyoncé fans:
" can feel your heyhi (heyhi), heyhi
I can see your heyhi (heyhi), heyhi"

5) Put your heyhi'a on kids, and make
sure you are on your best behaviour!
by Mr H20 July 18, 2022
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Is the instant validation that one feels when generating good energy towards other living (and non-living) entities within the realms of existence.

The word "karmetic" is derived from the word "karma".

It is the reference point for a positive feeling that one may associate with every day interactions, typically when socialising with other entities.

This feeling may occur as a result of generic good deeds.

A karmetic feeling or response, is felt through: thought, action, education, learning, understanding, prayer, presence, mediation, donation of time or physical material, offering of gifts, being triumphant, exercising good samaritan efforts, being a good sportsperson, allowing pardons for those who do you wrong, being honestly charitable, earnestly offering support, expressing true love, showing signs of human affection, and expressions of a similar nature to the above.

Other words that can enhance the use of this positive repercussion:
- karmeticle
- karmeticles
- karmeticall
- karmeticly

Please see examples for further understanding.

The word "karmatic" has been reserved on 'urban dictionary' and 'the free dictionary' and refers to generic returns of karma, however, Karmetic specifically refers to 'good karma' and the return of good through good deeds. It is a word that stands separate to negative karma, as it promotes positive discussions associated with good karma
ONLY, rather than discussion on bad karma vs good karma.
Example 1: "in all honesty, it would be nice to feel somewhat karmetic about the efforts that I have put into the things that i do at work".

Example 2: "I get this karmetic feeling every time I reach out to those in need, even though I am in need myself."

Example 3: "karmeticly speaking, it would offer you much grace if you were to help your family members move, even though you want to see a movie on the weekend instead."

Example 4:
Person 1
"I'm feeling karmeticle today!"
Person 2
"That's great! You must be on the right path!"

Example 5: "I just got the best vibes when i was out surfing today. It must have been the karmeticall I have been waiting for!"
by Mr H20 June 7, 2022
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A living being (namely a human being) whose behaviour is so hysterical, that they are now raising their fists ready to fight.

There are many stages to hysteria.

Some "scream and shout, and let it all out."

Some are mad typists on the other side of the digital platform, probably sitting on a platform waiting for a train as they rile others up.

Some bitch to their friends and start gangs tjat build up resistance to something that they feel uncomfortable with, yet have not confirmed is valid or true.

And some get so upset that they act in anger before they think clearly about what it is that bothers them, if it is actually bothering them, or even if the information is true.

The people who get upset may get "Fisterical" and try to punch anyone who brings up a topic that just pushes their wee little internal buttons.

Whether or not the unknowing opponent is actually part of the topic, or whether they are just partaking in the discussion of the topic, the keen Fisterical player will often hear only what they want to hear.

One may also use the term "fisteria", which is a state of becoming (or being) Fisterical. Sounds a bit like "fist, stare at ya", (ie: I got my fists ready and am starin' at ya). Similar to the physical representation of the word.
"Oh my gosh Samantha, he is so Fisterical, I think he is about to punch a wall or something."

"My dad got a bit Fisterical at my mum when she told him about the accident. Im glad he didn't act on it."

"My favourite soccer player got a bit Fisterical after the game and encouraged more fisteria to ensue."

"I wouldn't look at her that way, she gets a bit of fisteria when she thinks people are making fun of her. Best to stay away."
by Mr H20 July 3, 2022
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Displaying the qualities that may be comparable to that of a deity.

To be "deitesque".
"Her deitesque ability to address the room was compelling."

"Water has that feeling of being deitesque."

"He was somewhat deitesque in his ability to bring peace to all nations."
by Mr H20 August 20, 2022
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Of the water.

A living being or other entity that os acquainted with the water, ocean, river, lake etc.

(Said: "ack-we-an")
"She was definitely aquaine. Her mermaid tail gave it away."
by Mr H20 August 20, 2022
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