Specifically. It is the study and observation of all things anatomy, in any or all species.
"He caressed her body slowly, as if he had been studying the art of anatomology his entire life."

"Whilst studying frog anatomology, I discovered a curious thing, it's skin performs the same function as our lungs to help it breathe. Therefore stagnant waters with no oxygen, such as dams, may suffocate these amphibians."

"The anatomology of Adam and Eve would have surely resembled Barney Rubble, for humans have evolved even in the last hundred years by becoming taller and less hairy."

"Anatomologiclly speaking, we are unable to define the exact colour of a mummies skin, eyes, or hair, and this is due to the fact that evolution in itself, often changes patterns whilst maintaining the same genetic branding."
by Mr H20 August 30, 2022
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