262 definitions by MAX

to shoot someone in the face point blank, and fuck them up so they know who runs the field
yo watch out for trance they will come at you and bunker you off the break and blow your head off they are the best d2 xball team around
by MAX January 1, 2005
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a retarted queer asshole with a big ego
"Oh my God its nick guellman... what a tardmuffin"
by MAX August 1, 2004
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a guy who is so hot that he can have sex any girl he wants.
Jon Clifford had sex with 5 different girls in one day. He is such a Cuntbuster.
by MAX January 10, 2005
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The unintentional garbling of spoken English due to messages from the brain not being sent as fast as the mouth is wants to talk. The result is semi-slurred speech and words being conglomerated in weird ways. Ironically girls find this cute and are naturally drawn to it for some unknown reason. This technique is often used by Joespamp who also first coined the phrase jointly with the help of several of his friends.
There aren't really good examples for Spampglish that can be typed because it's more of a phonetic thing.
by MAX March 14, 2008
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A pretty shit band, unoriginal and are insignificant compared to greenday.
I need a blink 182, but there is no toilet paper left
by MAX May 11, 2005
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Penith ith the male thexual organ.
"She thaid my penith was thmall and my lithp was anoying"
by MAX December 17, 2003
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