262 definitions by max

Breave Heart
by max September 12, 2003
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Otherwise known as 'The Latin Snake'. The winner of the first (and currently only) series of 'The Contender'. Never defeated in the programme, and beat title favourite Ishe and Peter Manfredo (the latter whom he beat in the final). A tall and not particularly muscular guy, his strength lies in his mind, a very mentally strong figure. His victory enabled his family to fight emerge from poverty, and his name to emerge into the world of boxing.
"And the winner is.......Sergio Morrrrraaaaaaaaaaa"
by max July 2, 2005
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A BiSexual who likes SAMI an JP!
Mordi fucks men and women at the same time and likes it but likes women betta!
by max April 18, 2005
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A pretty good ska band back in 1998. Then guitarist/singer Tomas Kalnoky and bassist Josh Ansley and trumpeter/trombonist Jamie Egan left to start another band called Streetlight Manifesto, who are now awesome. Catch 22, on the other hand, shifted new band members and now sucks.
Wow, Catch 22 sucks now.
by max January 23, 2004
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A man takes a large shit on a woman's chest and hits it firmly with a canoe paddle (or any other near by object). Optional: Syrup can be added to the pancake by pissing all over the now flattend shit.

This activity is best done in someone else's bedroom.
Dude, I executed the best chocolate pancake the other night! And since I'd be drinkin, there was plenty of syrup to go around!
by max August 20, 2004
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Apparently the only question left that can not be answered by any scientist and/or believer.
me: "Hey god, I have but one question for you, a question so universal and simple that every soul on earth would want to ask it to you: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?"
god: "How should I know?"
by max February 8, 2004
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