262 definitions by MAX

a hot gurl in 10th grade at o'hara named megan who sucks on a pen while a horny dude named steve sanislo watchs and jerks off
wow look at steve jerk off to taht pen sucker
by MAX December 10, 2004
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A male of a strange persuasion. A man who spends a great deal of time inspecting, to the point of entering, other men's holes, specifically the bumhole.
Don't bare yer arse in front of that geezer over there, he's a bloody manhole inspector. Poofy git!
by MAX December 11, 2003
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another word for crap or shit or poop but approximately 74% funnier
holy pap what in the pap is going on!?
you paphole why don't you go drink some pap!
by MAX May 7, 2003
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when you press your asshole against your womans lips or vice versa
my ole lady was pissing me off so while she was sleeping i gave her a spider kiss.
by MAX April 11, 2003
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Goddess, nNmesis of X-calvin, Giant Lemon circling above the Universal Bottle, fighting the Giant Pink Elephant that is X-calvin.
Martyr: Booney
Ow, Karima what have you done!! Smythe Me!
by MAX December 2, 2004
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It just means Left but its funner to say it this way.
And then you take a lefter here.

The icon would be lefter of the screen
by MAX August 7, 2004
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A short "p-i-m-p" who "rules th bbal court and is Stalked by El Diablo
Help th Morey fend off the devil
by MAX December 17, 2003
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