28 definitions by Kat'O9

A phrase that highlights extreme persistent ignorance despite concerted efforts to educate an individual.
Can't believe Greg still doesn't get it - it's like every time is his first rodeo.
by Kat'O9 April 1, 2022
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A person that has a dependency on dark money. Exclusively used for right wing nut jobs that will do or say whatever needed to keep the greenbacks flowing. Most obvious during campaign season, but exists year round.
That Lindsay Graham is begging for $5 donations on Faux News. Sorry buddy, can't let you become dependent on hand-outs otherwise you'll just never get a job. You're Koch Addiction has spiraled you to new lows.

If Ted Cruz is not the biggest Koch Addict ever -- he ruined election money law at the Supreme level.
by Kat'O9 October 29, 2022
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Any heated serious disagreement between two females, often in a work setting.
So much for playing well together. After Karen escalated the cuntflict with Emily because of her un-earned promotion, both women had their claws out.
by Kat'O9 March 19, 2022
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The detailed conversation that you had that gets wiped clean from short term memory due to repeated ingestion alcohol.

An overly ambitious boast that doesn't get executed because of ten times distilled potato juice.
Can't believe Emily didn't remember she could pick your mom up from the airport on Saturday I guess it was just Vodka Talk.

You'll never do a stand-up Kathleen it's just Vodka Talk.
by Kat'O9 November 19, 2022
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The well-concealed cockiness of someone (like a public prosecutor) when felony grand jury indictments come back for a former president.
"Did you see Alvin Bragging on the TV when that orange clown came down and got fingerprinted? Man he looked WHIPPED when he croaked out 'not guilty.... his collar was all stained and shit, his wife was nowhere to be seen... he was ass kicked for sure"

"Don't think you caught me cheating with a porn star or anything -- ain't no Alvin Bragging goin' on here today!"
by Kat'O9 April 7, 2023
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The well-concealed cockiness of someone like a public prosecutor when grand jury indictments come back for a former president.
"Did you see Alvin Bragging on the TV when that orange clown came in and got fingerprinted? Man he looked whipped when he croaked out 'not guilty' ... his collar was all stained and shit, his wife was no where to be seen. He was ass-kicked for sure"

"Don't go all smug on me thinking you caught me cheating with a porn-star -- there's no Alvin Bragging going on here today."
by Kat'O9 April 7, 2023
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An underwhelming turnout of an event that was touted as having a lot of attendees.
Trump's inauguration crowd was a total nongregation.
by Kat'O9 July 16, 2020
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