28 definitions by Kat'O9

While surfing internet porn you view a new position or technique that appeals to you, so you write it on your partner's To Do-me List.
Travis wrote "piledriver" on Kathleen's To Do-me List after seeing it performed on his favorite porn site.
by Kat'O9 March 25, 2014
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Colloquial term for a court-mandated tracking device commonly known as an ankle monitor.
"Can't believe Nick got out so quickly. Is it because Pandy paid for a great lawyer -- or maybe the judge acquiesed since Nick agreed to the gang bangle. Aunt Kathy said he's still running with his crew, heading to pow-wows, doing peyote. Thank god he can't leave the county though!"

"That gang bangle looks great with those camo Crocs, Nick -- very Florida-Man Stylin', my dude!"
by Kat'O9 March 27, 2023
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Colloquial term for a court-ordered tracking device, also known as an ankle monitor.
"Can't believe Nick got out so quickly. Is it because Pandy paid for a great lawyer -- or maybe the judge acquiesced since Nick agreed to the gang bangle? Aunt Kathy said he's still running with his crew, heading to pow-wows, doing peyote. Thank god he can't leave the county though!"

"That gang bangle looks great with those camo Crocs, Nick -- very Florida-Man Stylin', my dude!"
by Kat'O9 March 27, 2023
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When your path crosses with that bitch in the office despite your best avoidance tactics.
"Even though I ducked into the storeroom I still had cuntact with you you-know-who."

"No way that was the third cuntact with Julia this week!"
by Kat'O9 April 28, 2022
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Contortions that anti-vaxxers go through to comply with mask mandates.
John's maskinations kept his mouth and nose exposed unless reprimanded by the flight attendant.
by Kat'O9 January 19, 2022
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A grown-ass person who hides their drinking habits from their parents.
"When I go to Mom's for the holidays I have to be such a stealthaholic"
by Kat'O9 November 3, 2021
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Catchall term referring to any non-science believing relative.
My mom's crazy sister is coming - she doesn't 'believe in' the pandemic. She's a total Auntie-Vaxer.
by Kat'O9 November 3, 2021
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