38 definitions by Kahdlibber


People who understand that you eat lots of sage (plant/spice) to become a sage (wiseman/wisewoman). When you make the connection, you & the plant become sayj.
I picked a bunch of sayj out of my sayj field and made a big, fresh sayj salad for lunch. Why? Because, I am a sayj.
by Kahdlibber October 15, 2017
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Bill and Linda were kiiiissssiiiing, their braces locked, hi Billlinda!
by Kahdlibber October 12, 2017
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Ford Muskrat

GM/Mopar slang for Ford Mustang.
Billy Bob: Shucks, that Ford Muskrat whooped my 'Vette.

Jimmy John: You mean your SheVette?

Billy Bob: Yup.

Both: Ha ha ha ha!
by Kahdlibber October 14, 2017
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What you get when you close your mouth while vomitting.
Ted shot some nasalpuke down his shirt.
by Kahdlibber October 12, 2017
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A term used by Dodge Challenger Demon owners to describe the relatively slow Corvette.
If most car drivers call a Corvette a Snorevette the Vette will quickly blow them away.
by Kahdlibber October 15, 2017
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Because of Global Warming, we will all eventually have to move to Antarctica!
by Kahdlibber October 24, 2017
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Goven Rule

A translation of the Golden Rule made by Jeff Goven aka "The Grapplin' Chaplain"...
The Goven Rule: "Always interact with others on the basis of honest mutual consent".
by Kahdlibber November 2, 2017
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