30 definitions by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic

Two guys swordfighting with their cocks for a girl they want to have sex with.

...allow me to explain...

When a woman wants to have sex with two men of whom she finds very attractive. These two guys however are mortal enemies and are both competing for marrying and/or dating this woman. The woman knows a threesome is not an option at this point so she declares a foick between the two men. Only the woman can declare the foick as a last resort for the two guys who want to fuck her.


1: stabbing the opponent`s balls with your dick is an automatic win
2: NO HANDS (unless you`re jerking), no kicks either.
3: ejaculating on the opponent`s balls is an automatic rematch.
4: if you lose your erection, you lose
5: pissing and ejaculating is allowed
6: dick breaking (from extreme hardcore foicking) is a loss for both men
7: disobeying the foick rules results in a rematch
8: the woman is in full control of the foick
Tashira: I want to have sex with both of you.
Kevin: I can`t stand the sight of that retard
Fred: As much as Tashira turns me on, the thought of Kevin makes my jizz go right back into my dickhole!
Tashira: Well then... I didn`t think I`d have to do this... I declare a foick to the death!
Fred: Oh it`s fucking on, asshole!
Kevin: Tashira wants my cock
*cocks clashing together*
Tashira: *masturbating to Kevin and Fred foicking*
Fred: Kevin, look! Tashira`s masturbating, isn`t it hot?
Kevin: *gets distracted* *cums*
Fred: *stabs Kevin in balls*
Kevin: Fuck! My balls hurt like fucking hell!!!
Fred: You`re just a pervert anyway, kevin!

Tashira: Now let`s fuck, Fred!
Fred: fucks Tashira right in front of Kevin.
Kevin: *commits suicide my drowning in the cum and sqirt fluid*
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A phrase used to acknowledge something obvious that another has been missing, similar in nature to "Use your head" or "Read between the lines."
Darth Vader: No, I am your father!
Luke: No, that`s not true, that`s impossible!!
Darth Vader: Carry the 1, Luke, I thought it was obvious!
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Someone who did something wrong by accident; or rather, someone who had good intentions but ended up messing up terribly. This word is derived from Henry Tandey; a British soldier who, during the first world war, stumbled upon a German soldier, wounded and helpless. Tandey simply could not bring himself to just shoot this wounded man in cold blood, and so he refused to shoot him, thinking it was an act of kindness, thus sparing the life of 29 year-old lance corporal Adolf Hitler. In summary; had Henry just shot Hitler, he'd probably had just saved over six million lives, plus the 11 million that would die as a result of the second world war (That was nearly 1% of the world's population at the time).

Because the tander does not know that their good intentions are the shit that will hit the fan, they are technically innocent; depending on how one is to view the situation, of course.

Famous examples of tanders include: Henry Tandey, Qui-Gon Jinn, Alfred Nobel, and whoever cooked the bat soup.
Tashira: Why is this town so divided? I wish everyone would stop fighting and hating each-other!
Ellen: It's all Mike's fault! He started all this by writing that weird E-mail!
Cindy: Nah; Mike's a tander; he couldn't possibly have predicted this.
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FUCKED_UP_SHIT!... Alright, porn-watchers, that may offend you but the sad truth is that porn didn`t used to be this way. Porn actually used to be erotic and worth masturbating to. Now all it is is shit like "blonde slut chokes on big cock" or "mom fucks son" or either fucking INCEST or sex slavery which in my opinion is pretty fucked up. I mean only the stuff made by the big porn companies is fucked up. As DopamineReceptors (author on Urban Dictionary) says, "people in porn have low IQs". She/he was referencing how a woman in porn will just suck on a dick that was in her ass 10 seconds ago! This is why amateur porn is valued, it`s the real shit. It`s not fake and it doesn`t body shame people, it`s worth masturbating to. Amateur porn isn`t made by the porn industry and therefore is not evil.
Tashira: Damn, I wish I was as hot as that pornstar…
Kevin: Tashira, are you watching porn again? You know that shit`s fake! Those pornstars are like 70% plastic and put a hell of a lot of makeup on, it`s fake shit. You are perfect just the way you are!
Tashira: I guess you`re right, I don`t need this porn anyway!
Tashira: Did she just vomit? WTF!
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic October 14, 2020
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Jerkless January is an event in which, if you failed NNN, you are to go the entire month of January without jerking off, for if you failed NNN, you will be redeemed if you participate in JJ, but if you fail NNN AND JJ, then you will be classified as the inbred fucking failure you are (but only if you decided to participate in NNN (or JJ) in the first place)! People who won NNN can also partake in JJ, anyone is able to do JJ, and besides, I`m sure it would be good for you if you were the retard who decided to participate in Destroy your Dick December.
Fred: Zack, I think I`m gonna participate in Jerkless January this year.
Zack: I believe in you! We may have failed NNN, but we will not fail this month!!
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If you want to see the biggest pile of horse shit in the universe, then read the bible. It`s so full of lies and absolute BULLSHIT that you begin to question why so many people have been infected by the disease that is christianity. The bible says you can`t masturbate, that`s bullshit! The bible says you can`t swear, that`s bullshit too. The bible says you can`t be gay, that`s even bigger bullshit!

Don`t read the bible because the bible is shit
Jack: You should read the bible
Fred: You expect me to buy into that fucking shit?
Jack: It`s not shit, it`s what god wanted the world to be
Fred: well your god can suck my dick
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic November 26, 2020
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An Urban Dictionary user; usually a more proud and prominent one, like me, or "A WHITE GUY" (UD user, check him out). Many Urban Dics only post one or a few more definitions, which somehow end up on the front page of UD, while others are more dedicated to their Urban Dictionary careers. A lot of professional, more experienced Urban Dics will have a dozen or more definitions, maybe even thousands! Those Urban Dics are very dedicated and the characters featured in their example of definition page may sometimes be found on other definitions they have written. Not only that, but we also embrace what a royally-screwed up site this is, as well as it's odd culture; we embrace our new words, despite the fact that they are most rather NSFW than not. After all though, this site was designed for it's users to define new slang words, and if those slang words must be "foick," "order 69," "vampiring," or "dongademon" then so be it! Anyway, if a YouTube user can be a "YouTuber", and a Reddit user can be a "Redditor," then from here on out, a UD user will be known as an "Urban Dic!"
Ellen: "Cookie puss?" I wonder who wrote that one.
Cindy: Probably some Urban Dic.
Sarah: That's not just any Urban Dic, that's JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic!!
Cindy: I know, that's what I said.
Sarah: No, not "just another sick fuck on Urban Dic," JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic! The guy who created us.
Ellen: Cindy, don't fall for her bullshit, we so obviously weren't made by an Urban Dic.
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic November 27, 2021
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