30 definitions by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic

A heavenly place you will go if you are a Christian who lives a good (fun) life. Hell has anything you can imagine! It has games, porn and even a strip club! It has ice cream that never melts (even in hell) and you can get high without any consequences. Alas, hell is a heavenly place where it`s warm, cozy and anything is possible! You don`t have to wear clothes, you can get what you want at any time, you can even go swimming in the lava pool! You can even go to hell if you aren`t Christian, if you`re bored with death, you can travel to hell whenever you want, even if you`re still alive (don`t try that).
Jack: Go to hell!
Mike: What`s wrong with hell?
Jack: Yeah, what is wrong with hell?
Mike: Idk, sounds fun tho!
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic October 25, 2020
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To perform cunnilingus while the receiver is on their period, like how a vampire sucks blood. This act, if performed right, can be a very erotic experience and can even get rid of stress and menstrual pain!!
Fred: Yo! Where in da hell were you last night??
Jack: Oh, I was just vampiring Sarah, that`s all.
Fred: Damn yo! Dafuq is wrong with you!?
Jack: Nothing`s wrong with me, it was actually quite pleasurable, and I made her cum too!
Fred: You is damn kinky!!
Jack: And "you is" a damn retard! And besides, she really needed it!
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