25 definitions by Jenesis

The obligation to pull one's own trousers down after just having been soundly beaten at a pub game such as pool or darts. Usually only required when one loses without scoring a single point.
Gerald didn't sink a single ball, so had to perform a downtrou in front of everybody.
by Jenesis September 12, 2004
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Dirty, smelly or generally unkempt person. One who dodges soap.
"Get out of my cab you filthy soapdodger, you reek."
by Jenesis September 12, 2004
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Big, dumb individual. An oaf.
"Get the hell outta my saloon, ya redneck galoot!"
by Jenesis September 18, 2004
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"Nice Kingswood mate. What's the donk?"
"308 V8."
by Jenesis September 12, 2004
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Australian nickname for Kawasaki motorcycle brand.
Bevan had a few beers and then took his new Kwaka 500cc out for a ride.
by Jenesis September 9, 2004
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Individual who shows no emotion. Also known as a solemn gollum.
"Look at that solemn state, he's not even laughing at the jokes."
by Jenesis September 18, 2004
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1. Small baked buttery cake.
2. To hit someone in the head.
3. One's head.
1. "Mmmm that's a tasty scone, mum!"
2. Thomson decided he was going to scone Larry Gomes with the next delivery.
3. The cricket ball hit Larry Gomes right in the scone.
by Jenesis September 12, 2004
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