A person who is NOT Russian, They are Baltic! Latvians have been under Russian occupation for a long time but even through that, they have a very wide culture of believing in ghosts and other hillbilly beliefs, but they are considered one of smartest in the world, With a bad economy, they dominate the Eu in potato stocks and Unusable cars per person because of the lack of petrol since daddy Putin doesn't share his resources with Latvia anymore for some reason...
by DurxXD October 25, 2020
Latvian girls are mental bitches I mean psycho level. Don’t mess with Latvian girls as they will most likely chop you’re cock off
by M.dot121 April 3, 2018
an awesome person; totally chill; party hard drinker; comes from eastern europe; best partier; pleasures guys; knows how to have a good time; beautiful girls; sexy guys
by yebro April 16, 2011
by Tom The Greek February 24, 2004
by Pussydetroyer69420 August 4, 2022
Playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.
A semi-automatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked, removing the chance of living.
A semi-automatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked, removing the chance of living.
by winterd August 3, 2013