316 definitions by Harry flashman

Alternative spelling of weltangschlong (see that entry), meaning world size erection.
While Megnao bragged about his weltanschlong (sic), Harry knew Megnao's dirty little secret...it was achieved with the help of pharmaceuticals.
by Harry flashman August 6, 2003
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Giant hard-on of worldly dimensions.//This is not a message board. You cannot spell, it is not your word.(see entry "fuck you too").//
Harry Flashman maintained his dignity and poise and wished Megnao a good life and sweet dreams of weltanschlongs flying towards his face.
by Harry flashman August 6, 2003
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A person who passes gas in the bathtub and has the dexterity and yearning to snort the rising bubbles with a straw.
Megnao Flimpis is reputed to be a glick...I'm not saying he is or he isn't....I just heard it from 6 people, read it on the stalls of 12 public restrooms and and found a cash register receipt for a jumbo box of straws from Sam's Club in his trash can.
by Harry flashman July 4, 2003
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I listened to Bubba mumbo 'bout traffic jams, gettin' pulled over for speeding and hitting a deer but dammit the pizza weren't only cold...he ate everthang but the crust.
by Harry flashman July 30, 2003
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A conversational stopgap measure or oratorical place holder that fills in for witty, biting reparte until a classier and to the point, cutting remark suitable to the occasion can be thought of hours later.
....yeah, well....uh...fuck you too.
by Harry flashman July 3, 2003
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pipe frog, an obvious reference to genitalia size.
Herr Helmutt ist der rohrfrosch mit Gerschrivvledt Testikalen, ja?
by Harry flashman June 29, 2003
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Spanish slang for hemorrhoid, combining the words for "almond" and "piranha"
Deus mio..Ai-yi-i-i-i...los almoranha es grande caliente mi cuolo.
by Harry flashman July 10, 2003
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