
the visible gap between a woman's breasts. Zero gap preferred, 1/2" is interesting, 3" is boring, 5" is too much.
I like to casually look down the front of Jessica's blouse to view her cleavage
by Jake March 6, 2004
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by L_Z December 23, 2004
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The visible by-product when a woman wears a bra/corset/top that pushes her breasts together.
Sometimes used purposly as an attraction technique when tartish girls want shallow guys attentions.
guys in club: "God, look at her cleavage in that top!"
Girl (upon hearing comment): " Hi, wanna buy me a drink *stupid high pitched giggle*"
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-the visible gap between a girl's tits
by bob December 15, 2003
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1. noun.
The gap between two soft entities on the body. Usually the cleft between a womans breasts. Also sometimes used to describe the anus' "Butt Cleavage", or even out of the ordinary, fat caused cleavage in other parts of the body such as the side rolls, or even "chin cleavage"... burr.

2. noun.
Any gap caused by an axe or wedge shaped (cleaver) object.

3. verb.
The act of cutting or slicing your enimies. Done with a meat cleaver or any wedge, one can deal out "unnatural" cleavage to whomever they please, male OR female. To have cleavage in this case means to have the ability for cutting and slicing.
"Oh God I love that Cleavage!"

"As you can see, this phenominon left many cleavages in the rock formation here."

"Dude! I've got some major cleavage goin on. I'm gonna deal you some cleavage!"
by Thomual October 8, 2005
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The roadblock between you and paying attention to a woman in a low cut shirt...Often results in not listening, missing important details, loss of time, etc.
A woman in your office is trying to tell you about a task, however you cant pay attention to the details because she has a low cut shirt on and you cant help but get lost looking at her cleavage

This hits the nail on the head...The daily struggle with the Cleavage Challenge- Google: "Cube Titans" and take the Cleavage Challenge.

These videos describe it better than I ever could with words.

sweater puppets, funbags
by ShakeThemDice April 4, 2012
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What certain women in the business world do when they want to sell things.
Barbara, you know how to sell things. If you want to sell things all over the world you need to show more cleavage.
by Elroy Nightfront February 25, 2009
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