Advent (Noun)
1. The coming
Used at points of climax, usually during secks. For the purpose of .. informing your partner, friends, co-workers, teachers/students, parents, &the rest of the world.
1. The coming
Used at points of climax, usually during secks. For the purpose of .. informing your partner, friends, co-workers, teachers/students, parents, &the rest of the world.
by Ee? September 14, 2005
n. - One of the top progressive guilds of Tichondrius from 2005-2006. Also referred to as one of the chillest guilds to have ever existed.
Note: Led by the infamous rapper Shaunconnery (MC Ryuu) and his mighty Thunderfury
Note: Led by the infamous rapper Shaunconnery (MC Ryuu) and his mighty Thunderfury
by Silrani December 3, 2006
n. - One of the top progressive guilds of the World of Warcraft server Tichondriusfrom 2005-2006.
Made legendary by the leader Shaunconnery and his Thunderfury (begotten him by his brethren Silrani in the latter times of Advent's peak), Advent was well-respected and considered to be one of the chillest guilds on the server.
Made legendary by the leader Shaunconnery and his Thunderfury (begotten him by his brethren Silrani in the latter times of Advent's peak), Advent was well-respected and considered to be one of the chillest guilds on the server.
by Brent Soffey November 30, 2006
An annual celeabratory event honoring the colors of the rainbow spectrum beginning on Martin Luther King Day and ending on February 1st.
by Peeler February 6, 2008
The new amazing looking final fantasy movie based on final fantasy 7. Available for the playstation portable.
by Jamie October 31, 2004
A calendar used to countdown to Christmas Day. Each day you will get a small gift (chocolate, pocket money, etc.)
I want an Advent calendar.
by RoseCandyFloss December 4, 2014
An Advent beard is a beard grown during the period of Advent. It is often done under the guise of Advent where you normally cant pull off a jaw diaper. On rare occasion the beard grower may make a vague reference to some theological reason for growing it.
by madmax_fargo February 4, 2010