249 definitions by God

south bay where there are a lot of high tech companies
Wow u work in Silicon Valley. U must be one rich programmer
by God October 28, 2003
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why jim, that was a rather long jobby jobby, did you eat it as well?

Of course I did, I cannot resist a good jobby jobby
by God April 12, 2003
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A wealthy San Diego community of people who are NOT all snobbish. A great place to live.
I live in La Jolla. I am not a snob, you just call me that because I happen to live in a well-off community
by God January 5, 2005
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loved by the fans. the one true team in english football. worshiped by many other sets of fans including charlton, millwall, brighton etc.
is that the 12 disciples. no, its ian dowie and his 11 eagles
by God December 10, 2004
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someone who is stoned and stupid
you mongaloid you ate all my food
by God December 10, 2004
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form of speed good to steal from your friends with a.d.d. : )
by God December 30, 2004
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hrl are fucking losers and will all die very painfully. Fuck hrl and fuck everyone involved in hrl you all deserve testicular cancer. Everone hates you. Oh ya and a fucking gang real cool it isn't the geheto you retarts. Go cry back to mummy and tell her that someone is ragging your gang and maybe daddy can buy your love and try and sue me. I am unstoppable.
hrl are fudge packers that enjoy fucking there mums and getting fucked by there dads.
by God September 20, 2004
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