
The last name of movers, shakers, go-getters, and takers. They guayule and they hustle hella hard. This last name brings great fortune and is a blessing to have.
"Who is that? She's gorgeous must be a Simmons..."
by hustlersss October 14, 2013
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When a person in a group a dissapears at random a moment with no clue to where they have dissapeared to or how long ago they left.
where has he/she gone? He/she seems to have done a Simmons
by richandrhys January 25, 2010
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Attractive loveable scamp......

1.Oh that kids such a simmons.

2.Shutup Simmons.
by NotADawson April 14, 2011
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The biggest creep ever. He is a physics teacher but some may confuse him for Jimmy Savile.
Oh god, I’ve got Mr. Simmons now.”
You poor thing, I hope Simmons is careful this lesson.”
by lawrencexxxxxxxxxxx November 3, 2018
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Wow! What a Simmons!
by Superrrrrkomyguruu December 1, 2013
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Simmons is a dude that enjoys fucking shit up. Usually seen in company with Conran fighting off fanny in the town.
Harriet: "Who is Simmons out with tonight?"

Boothy: "Who do you think? His twin, Conran. They're in the Skoda. It's basically a VW Golf with a Skoda badge. Great car. Not like those Renaults...."
by TheManTheHero July 27, 2014
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The act of parking your car in such a manner that a quick exit is possible. Even if it requires multiple maneuvers to achieve it.
"Hey, why you simmonsing your car now, we're just getting coffee?"

"Shut up and get out of the car and let me simmons-it-in!"

"Good shit, yo."
by Anthony6869 June 11, 2008
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