24 definitions by Fire

An artist who shows exhibits of bent nails, rubber cheeseburgers, half of rooms, things in jars. You know. I think Mr. Lennon sums it up well. . .
"Yoko is a con artist. Concept artist is only 'con' with 'cept' on the end." - John Lennon
by Fire June 5, 2005
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An attractive fun spirited girl. A girl with goals and ambitions. Smart, feisty,outgoing and sarcastic.
Im so sick of these cheating sneaky girls, I need me a Necka in my life.
by Fire January 22, 2015
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This girl that works at sears and is a squirt and a midget.
Hey squidget!
by Fire April 8, 2004
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Rage Quit
To part the server or channel maliciously and in a childish manner. Also known as "Doing a Blizzard_Wolf"
Example Rage Quit:-

Blizzard_Wolf : fuck you FiRe
Player Blizzard_Wolf left the game
by Fire March 15, 2009
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The main character of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. In the 70s he falls in a coma, so the pentagon takes his DNA, and they create three clones. (Solid, Liquid and Solidus Snake --> He is the youngest, but seems the oldest)The project was called "Las enfants terribles"(this means the terrible children and also was called Eve project) In the 80s he losses his eye and goes in retirement, then he trained other soldiers. He also becomes the of Fox-Hound.
He simply was the best solider who ever lived.
Big Boss is the greatest soldier who ever lived and he's better then Solid Snake!!!
by Fire July 8, 2004
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What's poppin'? There's a party an what's her names crib.
by Fire October 9, 2003
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Hikaness or Hikari Yakawashi, is one of the two hosts (along with Doodles) of The Pencil Show, which was shown live from a cardboard box. She rocketh mightily.
by Fire August 27, 2004
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