20 definitions by Extra Mayo

When a man using a urinal adjacent to yours, tries to watch you pee.
Damn, the guy next to me was trying to do a peek-a-pee. I should have used one of the stalls.
by Extra Mayo January 26, 2013
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What Filipinos who hate the 49ers, call Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Pek pek means pussy in Tagalog.
If we can't stop Kaeperpekpek on this drive, we are going to lose the Super Bowl!
by Extra Mayo February 9, 2013
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Ugly girls who stand near the entrance of a VIP booth at a club hoping to attract any guy's attention to get a free drink.
"Can you believe that railbird actually asked if I had any matches? Bitch wasn't smart enough to even ask me for a lighter."
by Extra Mayo March 22, 2014
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Facebook Jobber, or a man who masturbates while on Facebook.
I never took Chris for a FBJ'er, but he was kind of creepy to women.
by Extra Mayo May 28, 2013
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The art of layering the surface of toilet water with toilet paper to minimize the sound of splashing.
That's the last time I have Taco Bell for lunch at work. Now I'm going to have to do some ninja pooping.
by Extra Mayo January 28, 2013
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