38 definitions by Da Sperminator

(n.) a foolish thief.
Guy 1- "Syce-clown, did you drink my whiskey?"
Guy 2- "Nawbrahs all gooddude."
Guy 1- "Then why's your face red? You wasted, and you owe me $30."
by Da Sperminator January 25, 2011
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(n.) the ability to recall "old" internet memes
Guy 1- "You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?"
Guy 2- "Piss off Old Gregg!"
Guy 1- "Nice meme-ory, dude. Most kids these days haven't seen that shit."
by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011
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(n.) the supreme ruler of all mortal bros.

"My name is Brozymandias, bro of bros
Look upon my kegs, ye Mighty, and despair!"

-P. B. Shelley, Bromantic Era poet
Guy 1: "Did you hear Levi bonged a fifth?"
Guy 2: "I heard. Dude is insane!"
Guy 1: "No, he is Brozymandias!"
by Da Sperminator February 23, 2011
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(n.) a party at which you drink only cases of the worst beer.
Guy 1- "Did you hit up Kendra's?"
Guy 2- "No way! All they had was a case of Natty Light, typical worst case scenario party."
by Da Sperminator April 8, 2011
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(n.) the frustration of waiting for someone that sucks at typing to finish writing something on a computer.
Guy 1- "Did Stan email the prof about the project."
Guy 2- "Yeah, it took like 20 minutes because he was chicken pecking the shit out of the keys! Honestly, I could have written it in 3!"
Guy 1- "Shit. You must have been pretty keybored, bro!"
by Da Sperminator March 23, 2011
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(adj.) a rare state in which one retains, or even achieves, transcendent hotness while simultaneously looking filthy; possibly coined to describe Ke$ha.
Guy 1- "That Ke$ha girl, damn she's so dirty!"
Guy 2- "I know man, she's such a skank! I bet she's got tons of STDs"
Guy 1- "Well, I mean, yes, possibly, but I really meant that she's just unclean, like she needs to take a shower. I think she's straight up dumpster hot."
by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011
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awesomeness that transcends beyond even Charlie Sheen's level.
Guy 1: "Charlie Sheen may be bi-winning, but I'm tri-winning!"
Guy 2: "What did you do?"
Guy 1: "I raced a dozen cop cars and won!"
Guy 2: "Thuggin'!"
by Da Sperminator June 19, 2011
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