72 definitions by BlackPohatu

To cause someone or something to go away throught effort and trying.
Those dogs wanted so munch food so I gave them some meat to work off.
by BlackPohatu October 7, 2016
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Define or identify something precisely.
Dammit.I can't pin it down.It's too dark.
by BlackPohatu September 1, 2016
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Means to visit someone.
Hey Julie!
I finished work more early,so I decided to call round.
by BlackPohatu September 9, 2016
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The human mind as the central force in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual.
I was bulied so many times and that affected my psyche.
by BlackPohatu September 11, 2016
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To put someone in the type of roll.
I'm being typecast.They sent me into the same roll in that movie.
by BlackPohatu September 28, 2016
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To put flour through a sieve in order to separate the fine from the coarse particles.
Now we sift the flour,and mix it with the warm water,mixed with salt,sugar,olive oil, and knead it until it becomes a dough.
by BlackPohatu October 23, 2016
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