being acquainted with
by Dont look back in anger October 30, 2004
by sandspit January 1, 2010
"People in the know are aware of a nuclear explosion if even the slightest jolt was made upon the renegade carrier."
-part of the storyline for Blast Corps
-part of the storyline for Blast Corps
by Dave October 21, 2004
by OdontEvnGetMeStartd August 6, 2019
1)to have intimate knowledge of a particular subject not necessarily every subject.
2)to be privy to uncommon knowledge
2)to be privy to uncommon knowledge
by i heart your mom March 31, 2006
in Biblical times, it meant to sleep with someone. you will see the word used in the Bible to mean that.
God: "Abe, you knew your maidwoman as well as Sarah? And she gave birth to that bastard of yours, Ishmael?"
Abraham (boasting his double scoring): "Yep, God. My sons are Isaac and Ishmael."
Abraham (boasting his double scoring): "Yep, God. My sons are Isaac and Ishmael."
by terrell mateo May 28, 2003
I love you without knowing how,
or when, or from where.
I love you simply without problems or pride,
i love you in this way because i do not know any other of loving but this,
In which there is no I or you,
So intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
So intimate that when i fall asleep
your eyes close.
or when, or from where.
I love you simply without problems or pride,
i love you in this way because i do not know any other of loving but this,
In which there is no I or you,
So intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
So intimate that when i fall asleep
your eyes close.
by 140CM February 18, 2022