
To ignore, avoid or sidestep someone's obvious expression of interest through flirting or any means of advance.
Person 1: "Hey baby I miss you"

Person 2: "Goodnight bruh"

by Katchmeifyoucab September 6, 2014
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What Emma did to me at the dance
Emma straight curved me at the dance
by Igotcurved March 12, 2018
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Leavin'Someone Un Notified . .
QUANi: Yo Ty.
Ty: Yess Quani
QUANi: How you' Dead Curve me For Thaa niGGa
Ty: How ? ...........
by [tytyBEAUTY.] & Quani February 27, 2009
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To turn someone's statement around and use it against them.


To shoot someone down while they're feeling good
Person1: YEA!!! (puts hand up for a high 5)
You: (look at person1) Ummm, no (that's a curve

Person1: You look good today!
Person2: Thank you!
You: (look at them funny) No you dont...
Random Person: CURVE
by TrueUnknownartist December 20, 2009
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Having a "curve" means you have a penis that is so long to the point that it curves, making you a freak in the sheets.
Chuck Wentz, his penis is so long it curves. Dramatically, similar to a "J Curve.
by FHS Track Team April 17, 2006
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What Emma did to me at the dance
by Igotcurved March 12, 2018
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Shoegaze group formed in the early 90s that released several CDs into the early 2000s. The group's sound is often noticed with heavy electronic beats, distorted guitars, and a distinct female voice.

Often credited with being an influence to the 90s alternative group Garbage.
Curve released six CDs over fourteen years.
by reloaded April 15, 2008
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