5 definitions by Big, Big, Martian

A word used by hack mid 20th century science fiction writers when they want somewhere to sound all cool and shit
Zeeblezorp: Greetings Earthman, I am Zeeblezorp from the planet Cygnus 7 B
Terry: Do you mean 7 Cygni B?
Zeeblezorp: Im sorry Terry but obviously English isn't my first language!
by Big, Big, Martian October 17, 2022
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An event where you have to interact with your weird cousins, where you're grandma still doesn't get that your aunt is dating ''friend'' Claire and when they disappear to another room they ain't knitting, and you're Uncle Terry likes to get drunk and tell you how the Royal Family are Reptilians and 9/11 was an inside job.
Michel: Hey Will, wanna come over this weekend?
Will: Sorry, can't, I have to go to a family gathering
Michel: OK, how many tabs are you gonna need?
Will: Twelve
by Big, Big, Martian November 30, 2022
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That crazy bullshit that's believed in by that one brain damaged sports guy who you went to high-school with, crazy Joe Rogan types who also think Jews control the banks, and that one uncle who uses every family gathering to try to convert you.
Michel: Dude, those Reptilians are running the government, take the red pill man!
Samantha: Michel, I transitioned 8 years ago!
by Big, Big, Martian August 29, 2022
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Something every guy in the 2020s either wanted be have or wanted to be
Terry: Please! Don't hurt me!
Brad: Shut up dweeb!
Terry: Just let me text Mt Minecraft Girlfriend one last time

*Brad's phone vibrates*
*Awkward silence*
Terry: And that kids is how I met your father
by Big, Big, Martian October 17, 2022
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A large eyed extraterrestrial from the Zeta Reticuli Star System, their main hobbies are abducting Humans, anal probing, creating ET/Human hybrids and long walks on the beach, they are occasionally referred to as Reticulans or Zeta Reticulans
Michael: My grandfather was abducted by Grey aliens once!
John: Did they have huge tits?
Michael: No, they where all short and bald and shit.
John: Well, that's disappointing.
by Big, Big, Martian July 18, 2022
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