203 definitions by Ae5Ea8

A combination of "emoticon" and "demoted." A feeling of being demoted by an important person in your life who suddenly responds to a text or email only with an emoticon — not any words. But a demoticon probably means that the person feels so connected with you that no words are needed. So this is actually a good thing: See promoticon.
I got demoticon'd. Dang! Another smiley face.
by Ae5Ea8 February 18, 2015
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putting on a new roll of toilet paper even when, technically, you don't have to because you've already done your business — but you realize that if you don't the next person will be in an unenviable position

It's a good deed. So you're "paying it forward."
by Ae5Ea8 September 11, 2016
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the huge walk-in freezer at Costco that is totally freezing.
Larry caught a cold while lollygagging in the Frostco looking for the tub of organic spinach.
by Ae5Ea8 February 21, 2015
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A snowfall that everyone thinks is going to be a full-on blizzard but ends up producing a pretty minimal amount of snow.
Yo, do you remember the nasty Blizzard of '79?
Broseph, I think you're talking about the Blahzzard of '79. It was in '78 when we had the real blizzard.
by Ae5Ea8 January 27, 2015
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Combination of "braking" (i.e., related to a car's brakes) and "breaking in period," describing the time it takes to adjust your foot to the sensitivity of the brakes of a car that you don't regularly drive, such as a friend's car, your spouse's car, or a rental car. At first, the brakes are either too sensitive, which causes you to slam down the breaks and jerk to a stop, or, too firm and require you to push down harder with your foot than you are used to.
I hope I get over the braking in period soon because I'm driving like a 9 year old right now.
by Ae5Ea8 April 15, 2015
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a sheepish feeling whilst dropping a deuce in a quiet public bathroom with others present
Shy Rectum Syndrome is recognized as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act
by Ae5Ea8 March 2, 2017
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A revolting experience described as follows.

A male goes into a public bathroom to drop a deuce. Unknowingly, the bowl is filled to the brim with a prior dude's diluted s&*t plus bowl water. Yes, the bowl is clogged, but for whatever reason, the situation is unresolved. In short, the bowl is full, but no water spilled out onto the floor to tip you off that there is a situation.

So, said male sits down and, with such innocence, sits down on the toilet seat, and in doing so, dunks his unsuspecting balls into the slightly chilly tea of diluted fecal matter.

This is brother's tea. It's horrible. And it's real.

You're kind of an eskimo brother with another brother in a way that I can't even describe.
Order brother's tea, at a fine restaurant near you.
by Ae5Ea8 October 20, 2016
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