390 definitions by AYB

The site to go to if your dictionary won't define modern slang words. A place to post new slang or your definitions of existing words.
by AYB April 2, 2003
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The WORST show in the history of television. At least it's good for laughs because most of the contestants CAN'T sing.
American Idol is absolutely HORRIBLE to the ears.
by AYB March 25, 2003
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Being in a state of having no life or ceasing to exist.
A typical pop star's career within four years, doubled if said pop star signs a Faustian deal with MTV or the RIAA.
By 2008, the careers of 50 Cent, Ashanti, Eminem, and Britney Spears will be dead.
by AYB June 20, 2003
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The act of attempting to new growth on a plant by chopping off all its branches.
Ever notice that a few decases after revolutions, the countries' economies go to Hell?
by AYB June 13, 2003
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Without a doubt, this is one of the worst website ever made. Features a horrible design, poor spelling/grammar, painfully bad use of color, and very FAT cats.
If you don't believe me, just type www.tubcat.com and see for yourself.
The owners of the cats shown on the Tubcat site should be jailed for animal cruelty. Nuff said.
by AYB October 15, 2003
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A symbol of American power and freedom. Ironically, the statue was a gift to the Americans by the FRENCH.
Most Americans who diss the French need to start checking their history books and their culture to see if they are being hypocritical.
by AYB May 12, 2003
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