What you tell two people peeing at urinals next to each other to save them from untimely death, in reference to crossing the streams in Ghostbusters.
by zipwolf June 27, 2006
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a career path marked by increasing amounts of tragedy, lameness, futility, ineptitude, respect, and/or pay.
Vic's career tragectory included starting at Lehman Brothers, then Bernie Madoff's firm, then jail, and now he's working at the Wendy's drive-thru.
by katewoo April 10, 2011
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Olly olly oxen free is a phrase used in children's games, which is generally used to indicate that people who are hiding (in a game of hide and seek, for example) can safely come out into the open.
Olly Olly oxen free!!! Nate yelled to get Gary out of hiding.
by Brian Funk February 22, 2008
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noun. A braggart, but one without the credibility to back up his or her claims. A braggadocio. Lame boasting.
Mike thinks he's badass because he took home the ugly chick at the bar. What a braggadouche.
by Irina79 April 10, 2011
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A slight hand gesture used to wave for prolonged periods of time (like during a parade)or as a casual non-verbal greeting to friends. With the arm bent at the elbow, the waver turns their wrist back and forth exposing the front and then the back of the hand in a single motion.
I didn't feel like talking so I gave her a quick parade wave as I walked by.
by Hackermom November 3, 2005
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A term meaning you're leaving. Similar to "outta here."
I don't like those people you invited over so I'm ghost.
by Nathan Tiberius July 2, 2007
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Similar to cold shoulder, except a cold finger is done by ignoring someone's text or facebook message--usually when said person's comment is pointless or uncalled for.
FB status: "Man, I just got called into work for another 16 hour weekend shift."

Tool: "Lol, I never work weekends lol"

*cold finger/friend removal is appropriate here
by JDrummer86 April 7, 2011
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