the blank expression that comes across a persons face when day dreaming.
dude, check out dave day dreaming, he looks miles away

yeah mate i know, he has his screen saver on
by billinom8s November 13, 2009
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Back to back shifts, sp. closing shift followed by an opening shift the next day, primarily making a night on the town impractical.
by Nartal April 1, 2011
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Anyone who sits behind a someone who is browsing the Internet while continuously instructing them on what to click on or what to type into the address/search bar. Most appropriately applied when the advice or commands are unsolicited and/or unwarranted.
Matt grew increasingly frustrated with Patrick, acting as a Backseat Browser, when he wouldn't stop telling Matt what links he should click on next.
by YoungKenC February 18, 2009
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rez-e-rek-shun (noun) a morning wood of biblical proportions
On the third day, Jesus awoke from the tomb with a raging reserection.
by dave3:16 February 21, 2011
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v. to squint and kind of frown as you look at your computer to give the illusion that you are in fact very busy analyzing something vital to your work;

often used in conjunction with paper-shuffling and calling numbers that you know won't answer then acting really frustrated when you hang-up so that it gives the impression your chasing a very important account and have a lot on your plate already
After I computer-faced facebook for an hour this morning, I called a random number and talked to an older gentleman for 27 minutes about the prospect of leasing his mineral rights until he realized he didn't own any mineral rights, so I hung-up and went back to computer-facing a New York Times article about fashion week.
by waylonisthebombdotcom March 5, 2010
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The amount of CO2 and greenhouse gases released by a man in search of sexual gratification
"You're going all the way to Manchester to shag that bird? Your carbon cockprint will be massive!"
by zfunk March 27, 2008
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The condition where you think of something you want to Google, but by the time you get to your computer, you have forgotten what it was. Very prevalent in the 420 community.
I've got Googleheimer's so bad that between the garage and the office, I forgot what I was going to look up.
by DigNbubbles September 1, 2006
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