The honor of being screened by the TSA at airport security.
Tom- I feel so patriotic today, I received a Freedom Fondle at the airport today.
Susan -I can't wait to get mine over Thanksgiving!
by Fruitfulfourths November 22, 2010
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Acting like you are more, or you have more than what really exists.
Casey drove around the rented car acting like it was hers. She was straight fronting.
by Stacy November 14, 2002
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Something considered antiquated or eliciting nostalgia, but that in relative terms is a quite recent phenomenon; typically dating back no earlier than the year 2000. A variation on the term "old school."
One of my friends told me to 'MySpace' her. That's so
by SHLA June 28, 2012
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To openly be a fan of any of the Star Trek series and/or films. Also known as a "Trekky".
Nerd #1: Did you hear about the Star Trek marathon tonight?

Nerd #2: Affirmative, Captain. I'm gonna Rock Out With My Spock Out.
by thebetterfriend2 February 8, 2010
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When you go to the bar intending to have just one beer and end up drinking four.
Fred looks up from his empty glass to see his best pal walk in, "I guess this is gonna be a Leap Beer."
by Stiffygal June 23, 2012
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The act of sending a tweet in which the user reflects on a sentimental moment of their life, i.e. a graduation, the end of a life period, or the passing of a loved one.
"OMG No longer in high school!!! Gonna miss it but moving on to bigger and better things!"

"RIP Grampa Joe. You lived a great long life but I'm glad you're in a better place now."

"All these bittertweets are bumming me out, man."
by SamSJS June 21, 2012
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