8 definitions by Brickdictionary118
When it rains on Christmas Day. This occurs when the local climate/conditions are not right for snow, which of course would be a "white Christmas".
Nah mate, Down Under we never get a white Christmas because it's summer. We do get a blue Christmas sometimes when it rains, though
by Brickdictionary118 December 25, 2014
The anniversary of the day you started working at a particular business. Not normally celebrated (unless it's a big one like 10 years, 20 years, etc) but sometimes acknowledged by the person, co-workers or the boss.
Because he was a good employee, Jason's boss sent him a Happy Work Birthday e-mail congratulating him on five years of service
by Brickdictionary118 October 13, 2013
When journalists simply repeat whatever politicians say, word for word, similar to a stenographer typing out a transcript word for word. This is similar to fake news. Stenography journalists repeat politicians' lies without any attempt at fact-checking, calling out the lies, analysis or critical thinking about what was said. Stenography journalism allows politicians to lie, and have their lies spread to a wide audience. The lies are consequently taken to be facts by many members of the public.
"62% of teachers in this district couldn't pass a basic literacy test last year," said the senator. This was completely false, but the stenography journalism of the local news website used the senator's assertion as the headline without fact-checking it.
by Brickdictionary118 April 14, 2022
The extreme version of "Liar liar pants on fire". When someone has no credibility left because they've told so many lies. A person with ash pants has had them "on fire" so many times that their credibility has been metaphorically turned to ash, and nothing they say can be relied on.
by Brickdictionary118 October 24, 2016
A meticulously-planned, painstakingly-crafted, slightly revealing outfit, worn by a hysterical teenage girl to a Justin Bieber, One Direction, Ed Sheeran or similar concert. Created under the impression that the performer(s) will notice the girl and her outfit, among the sea of tens of thousands of other girls in identical concert outfits.
Person A: Dude, check out Anna's Facebook status
Person B: Yeah, she's made a concert outfit. I bet she spent three months planning that out.
Person A: I bet she took half an hour posing for that photo in order to garner maximum likes.
Person B: Yeah, she's made a concert outfit. I bet she spent three months planning that out.
Person A: I bet she took half an hour posing for that photo in order to garner maximum likes.
by Brickdictionary118 February 26, 2013
When a friendship or romantic relationship disintegrates faster than a tissue held under running water, metaphorically speaking. Often results in using actual tissues.
Steve had just broken up with his girlfriend. It was a tissue breakup, because they'd just been hanging out the previous day.
by Brickdictionary118 February 26, 2013
by Brickdictionary118 October 20, 2013