when a private matter becomes so well-known to the public, it can be looked up on the internet.
When the Dean’s wife was caught in the act with an undergraduate, they tried to keep it under wraps – but word got out, and the story soon reached googlical proportions.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ September 9, 2011
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the gene in a person’s DNA that causes him or her to constantly text “OMG!”
I seems a large percentage of Twitter users must share the same DNA infected with the Oh My God Particle.
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The act of hitting the snooze button over and over again and having a different dream every time you fall asleep.
I set my snooze for every ten minutes so I can have plenty of dreams in my dreamathon
by aMarkyMarka July 4, 2012
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1. When you are so tired, everything you say or type comes out misspelled, or as nonsense.

2. When lack of sleep prevents you from generating a coherent sentence in conversation.
on surfin' bird
1. Are you aware that the word is the bird?

ugh.. I meant bird is the word*

Sorry, I'm having insomnia dyslexia tonight.

2. rotlf, lamo
Damnit, I'm a moron. I can't spell tonight; blame my insomnia dyslexia.
by Joy Rising April 22, 2010
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any public transportation (bus, train, subway, metro) where you are the ONLY person getting a ride
I rode the poor man's limo home today.

For the second time this month I got the poor man's limo to take me home.
by ewensa July 3, 2012
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1. Fired without merit or reason

2. Being let go from a job unexpectedly.
We got Ann Curry'd from our job, but its cool we got that unemployment doe!
by dontlollygag July 2, 2012
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When an intervention is needed to drag your wife off pintrest.
This is the 25th day in a row, it's time for a pintervention.
by AUB_JT October 10, 2011
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