When a car gets stuck between two larger trucks/trailers/etc. on single (sometimes multi-laned) roads. Often happens in industrial areas, construction zones, and around dicks.
"Dude, look at that dinky ass Civic stuck between those two giant semi-trucks."
"That's a mean car sandwich."
by BLund September 27, 2013
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Noun. The microscopic particles of urine that bounce off of the urinal when urinating. Some or most of these microscopic droplets of urine end up on the urinator's pants, depending on the urinal.
"Darn it, that urinal has some serious backspray."

"Now I've got backspray all over myself. Those airport urinals..."
by TEBfan June 9, 2009
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Wasting time and energy. Being generally unproductive even though you have a lot of very important stuff to do.
Say your light bill is due by 5:00 PM or they're going to turn off your power. A friend comes by at 4:30 PM and sees you napping.. He'd say, "Dude, you better quit congressing and pay your power bill."

Or... you're just hanging out on Sunday morning and a friend calls and asks what you're doing. You'd reply, "Nothing man, I'm just congressing."
by TBRADNC June 28, 2013
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Much like in the game of chess, a bathroom stalemate is when two people are in a public restroom and neither wants to be the first to go, so both sit silently in their respective stalls as they wait for the other to leave, or for some loud noise to disguise their business.
1-I had to poop but found myself in a bathroom stalemate and had to wait for 20 minutes.
2- Stupid public bathrooms!
by TheRealIP September 27, 2013
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Something that as soon as it is done becomes decided upon to repeat the next year and years to come. Does not necessarily have to had been done previous years to be defined an instant tradition.
The boys, after going Christmas Caroling on Halloween, decided to make it an instant tradition, and do it every year afterwards.
by Radkomir September 27, 2013
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A golden shower where the victim and the offender are one and the same.
The wind was stiff and when he aimed right into the wind Tim ended up giving himself a golden selfie.
by setophaga September 24, 2013
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