Hyper caffeinated after drinking one too many cups of coffee in the morning
Dude at work: Yo, wtf is up with Allen? He is wired for sound this morning!

Other dude at work: He drank that whole pot of coffee, now he's hopped up on the bean.
by jlmgemini September 11, 2013
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1. People who follow the same path/live up to the same expectations as their parents
2. People who fall into the expected stereotypes of a previous generation
They've just bought a house in the suburbs, with space for an au pair, and he's just been headhunted to the city. Total generation xerox.
by :;:;:;: September 11, 2013
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The way rejection tends to be handled by Californians, who are sunny in disposition and less brusque than East Coast residents. Instead of bluntly saying "no," Californians say no by avoiding the question, forgetting to respond to emails, and generally postponing the issue. The best way to give a California no is to do nothing at all, as opposed to saying it outright.

This is especially popular in the entertainment industry. For example, Everybody Loves Raymond creator Phil Rosenthal is quoted as saying: "To me, postponing a Hollywood lunch meeting is the new passing. They figure they'll postpone you until you go away. This way, they are not saying no. If that happens more than twice -- obviously emergencies come up -- you've got to get the hint."
A: So I emailed that agent a week ago and still no response. What is going on?

B: He's giving you the California no.
by ScottLG August 9, 2013
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Premature Articulation is the act of speaking/bragging too soon before all the facts are in, the game is over, etc.
Dude, I totally jinxed the Cardinals by blathering all over Facebook about how they were kicking ass, then they lost the game. For the first time since high school, I experienced premature articulation!
by RazorSharp September 11, 2013
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Acronym for Fear of Sobering Up. Someone who has FOSU may begin their drinking with Bloody Mary's over breakfast just to ensure they're never sober.

People suffering from FOSU often use boring people as a reason to get drunk in the first place.
Reginald: Dave, I'm hungover.
Dave: Hair of the dog, mate.

Reginald: Yeah, fair enough... Can you fix me a Bloody Mary or a Gin and Tonic? I don't wanna be sober around these other asshats.
Dave: Bro, you've got a hardcore case of FOSU.

Reginald: Yeah, but have you been trapped in a conversation with Betty or Rachael recently? It's like listening to an orchestra of cats.
by Springbok27 January 9, 2011
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This is a form of studying where one skims through a text and simply memorizes/learns everything in bold or italicized.
Do you want to meet up cram for tomorrow's Ochem test?

Nah, I'm done studying.

Really? You must be really organized to be able to study ahead of time.

Nah, I used the Bold Font Method...if it's bold I memorized it. >70% of every test is based off bold font in books.
by etilauqa August 9, 2013
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When a computer virus or other malware sends junk mail to recipients on your contact list, and a correspondence results between you and someone on your contact list with whom you have not communicated in a long time.
Email 1: Mike? It's me Sheila from law school - long time no speak! I think you have a virus on your computer because I'm getting spam from you. Anyways - how is life going - where are you working?

Email 2: Hi Sheila - good to hear from you and sorry about the spam - what a nice malware reunion! I started my own practice a year ago. Where are you working?
by O-Town Daddy September 4, 2013
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