A term used by people making Vines, to do ANYTHING it takes for entertainment or comedic purposes.
Guy 1: Hey! Go run in the store and drop your pants!
Guy 2: Nahh, chill!
Guy 1: Come on!! DO IT FOR THE VINE!!
Guy 2: Ughhh, fine..
Guy 1: *films*
by Vine Master October 3, 2013
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Noun. An exposure of breast or genitalia by a good friend.
Katie just lifted her shirt to show me her boobs, it was a total friend flash.
by froggster93 October 4, 2013
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"behind paywall, didn't read"

Etymology: An adaptation of tl;dr.
"Dude, did you read that spectacular paper on embryonic stem cells?"

"Sorry, bp;dr"
by Neurobonkers June 17, 2013
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A member of the media who will alter their story and reporting based on financial interests or other ties with usually partisan individuals or groups.
Robert Novak's latest column supporting this administration's criminal policies show that he is nothing more than a presstitute.
by Nicholas Sasson February 10, 2006
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you care too much about how you look. about how other people look. about what you say and do and what other people say and do. it's ocd with eyeshadow.
after 15 years of life, im just now realizing im superficial.
by yo mama =) May 27, 2006
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When an individual has no affinity for any sex, only love for pomegranates.
*picks up pomegranate*

*Girl walks in*

"NOT AGAIN! How the fuck did you get in my house?...Damn pomosexuality"
by slicedkiwis September 27, 2013
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Similar to bed time, but takes place about 5 minutes prior. It's that special time of night when, you guessed it, masterbation occurs.
"I gotta go, it's my beat time."
by LosrDogg July 27, 2009
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