It means the same as pissed off but with much more severity.
Jack was, pissed shitted off that some true-blue total asshaberdasher had kicked the urinal off the wall and then smashed it to bits with a hammer, knowing full well that it will be months before Jack can afford to have it replaced!
by Telephony September 7, 2019
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an alternative way of politely asking someone to fuck off. it is more funny to use in conversation as not many people say it.
"mum can i have some money to pay for anal sex after school?" mum replies "shit off!"
by McSquigan May 6, 2007
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same as saying fuck off but better
You say it to someone if they're bein a berk
Rv - "Hello Charlie"
Kirst - "Shit off Charlie, you berk"
by i'm a cockney February 6, 2009
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Competition to assess who can shit the fastest
"Gonna have a shit off to see who gets the US presidency job"
by DIRTY BOLLOCKS June 24, 2017
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a word used to offend people who point out grammatical spelling areas on graffiti on a bus window
it's supposed to have an apostrophe in it

by bill the troll November 24, 2004
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-the grammatically correct "spelling" for the erroneous "shit off"

-a more intense expression than "bugger-off"

-a more tame expression than "fuck-off"
If you film me I will kill you. Shit-off
-Nick Frost
by Samui Kitsune December 2, 2007
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