"make a decision." This phrase is most commonly used towards a person or group whom the speaker feels are behaving indecisively. Often occurs in tense situations where the speaker believes a quick decision is necessary or urgent. Sometimes delivered as "life advice."
"Shit or get off the pot. Don't just sit there waiting for a better option, or hoping someone will fix it for you."
by Deome June 17, 2015
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Hurry up and make a decision. Usually used when some one is being really indecisive or is taking way to long to do something. Commonly refers to a decision where a commitment is evolved.
You've been engaged for 6 years, don't you think it's time you shit or get off the pot?
by jettafer30 November 15, 2005
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it means don't pussy foot around with something just do it
Bush either needs to shit or get off the pot when it come to making good desisions.
by pascal lacour November 1, 2005
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Being so surprised to the point that you inevitably shit so hard your testicles come out.
Dudebro: Dude I went sky diving yesterday.
Broseph: How was it?
Dudebro: The main parachute didn't work, I was so scared I shit my balls off.
by BigPenisBoi1234567891011121314 February 19, 2021
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When someone is wasting you time so you tell them to make it happen or go away.
Example: a guy keeps postponing/rearranging date plans so you say; "Dave, you're messing me around. Either shit or get off the toilet!"
by Loco in London June 12, 2015
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Do what you ment to do and do it fast, or just drop it.
Shit or get off the fucking pot man, you have to get one item not 5 fucking items.
by Dan Ask December 17, 2004
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to have explosive, gas-laden dihorrea so bad that is peppers the toilet pan with a yellowy speckled spray of liquid shit. It may actually stick to the underside of the seat.
Avoid the dirty burgers from there, you'll shit your ring off.
by Al December 29, 2005
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