
Difinition used on lil jon cd as Some one who's fresh, clean ect.
That girl thinks she polished
by Stacey March 28, 2005
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To have a female suck your penis extremely well. Usually initiated by the male saying the words "suck it"
Did you hear? Jeff Galatley got his dick polished by William Web on the weekend.
by tstraz October 26, 2007
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Polish is a West-Slav language. It has had separated from lechick group of languages. It’s spoken mainly in Poland, because it’s considered as one of the hardest languages to learn.

In Poland it’s like every region has its own dialect. In our country we distinguish following dialects : wielkopolski, ma³opolski , œl¹ski , mazowiecki , kujawsko – che³mski , kaszubski.

For foreigners the hardest thing in our language is conjugation, orthography and pronunciation. To make them practice they are given famous Polish poem written by Jan Brzechwa called “Chrz¹szcz” which means “beetle” and it goes something like this:

“W Szczebrzeszynie chrz¹szcz brzmi w trzcinie
I Szczebrzeszyn z tego s³ynie

Wó³ go pyta: „Panie chrz¹szczu,
Po co pan tak brzêczy w g¹szczu...”
Ja sobie swietnie z tym jezykiem radze. Byc moze gorzej jest z jezykiem, ktory obsluguje ta strone, ale nawet ludzie, ktorzy uzywaja go jako jezyka "ojczystego", czesto radza sobie gorzej niz ja. O czym to swiadczy? Odpowiedz na wczesniejsze definicje: "Przyganial kociol garnkowi".
by Brain January 14, 2004
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Being from the nation of Poland.
That polish guy kicked you irish ass.
by Calvin Defson November 15, 2003
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Polish, or being polish. Also, poeple with very big dicks.
I knew Matt was polish when i saw his 8 and a half inch dick
by ess ex kay February 2, 2004
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People originally from Poland. Most Polish immigrants come to Chicago to live. Polish people are also known for their amazing Polish food and Polish penises (which are the largest in diameter in the whole world)Italian penises being the longest though. Polish is a native language of Poland containing many z's and ski's.
Dj Markski is a Polish dj originally from Poland.
by polska zyje nam~ nikolka February 14, 2005
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The Polish are very hard workers from a great country. Most Polish people came to America from Poland in the early Eighteenth Century. Some also went to Canada and England. Those who came to the United States worked mostly in Shops. Those in Canada and England mostly took Jobs by Being General Contractors. Perhaps some in Manchester made their living by Coal Mining. Those in Northwestern Alberta may have sometimes been Scientists or Medicine workers. After all many Nobel Science winners were Polish.

My grandfather came from Poland. He came to Connecticut from Poland then went to Massachusetts. My Polish Heritage is very important to my mothers family. My mothers father the one from Poland wanted my mother to go to a Polish School. She learned how to Teach in Collage while also taught Scientific Medicine Work in New York. She came back to Massachusetts Six Years later. But as I was saying I feel proud of being Polish.

I'm sure you're proud to be Patriotic too of your Country.
Although the Polish have suffered after the many Years of Polish rights from Rule of the Communists of Russia we are proud people from a free Poland.
by Fandango. September 30, 2007
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