When someone's feelings are hurt, often results in great things being removed.
Offense is the main cause of comedy removal.
by Skelwor August 11, 2009
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What your local sports team sucks at.
Dude, I can't believe the Cardinals threw another interception. Their offense sucks ass.
by alcifer December 10, 2019
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A feeling that other people have.
People take offense at everything these days, but not me.
by futureblues August 27, 2018
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it is the opposite of no-offense, say it when you are meaning to offend or annyoy someone.
guy: hey man your sister is a bit of a slut...offense!

man: ouch guy..that offended me!
by misnon122 December 19, 2009
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A phrase used to make insults seem socially acceptable.
"No offense, John, but your mom is a fucking whore."

"You've got huge bitch tits, Patrick... no offense."
by bryan September 12, 2004
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Something you say right before you offend the living shit out of someone.
no offense bob, but everything you believe is wrong
by Po Ivey August 11, 2006
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The phrase you use before you knowingly, intentionally, and viciously offend someone.
No offense, Nick, but we've always hated your guts and we're just using you for your big-screen...and your sister, who by the way is a raging slut. Especially after a couple shots of Cuervo.
by C-Mills November 30, 2010
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